When is PrideFest?
We are currently planning PrideFest 2023. Pridefest is always during the month of April each year. And Event page will be posted each year with the date as soon as everything is finalized.
Where can tickets for events be purchased?
Where can I find forms and payment information for sponsorships, vendors, food trucks, and entertainment for PrideFest?
Where are upcoming events listed?
Is Pride Alliance of the Treasure Coast's social media public or private?
What other social media platforms does Pride Alliance of the Treasure Cost host?
As soon as the date is finalized, an event will be created on the homepage and tickets can be purchased there.
Our Facebook group and YouTube channel can be found under Pride Alliance of the Treasure Coast. Our Instagram is Pride Alliance Treasure Coast (without "of the"). Twitter and TikTok are pridealliancetc.
We also have a Facebook group for businesses: Treasure Coast LGBTQ+ Business Network. This group is for any and all who support LGBTQIA+ businesses, owners, employees, and customers on the southeast coast of Florida. This platform can also be used for online or virtual businesses and everyone is welcome to post a business.
On our website homepage and our social media pages.
We will post downloadable PDF forms for sponsorship, vendors/food trucks, and entertainment on the home page of our website.
Credit card payments can be made under the PrideFest 2023 tab found on the top menu.
Thank you for your support!
Our Facebook group, Pride Alliance of the Treasure Coast, is a private group. Our website can also be joined privately.
Our second Facebook page (Treasure Coast LGBTQ+ Business Network), Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok are public.